I am blessed. There I said it- Blessed! I have a LOT of wonderful parent volunteers. I know, I know tough problem to have. I always want to give them wonderful gifts at the end of the year. They deserve dinner, massages, pampering of any kind. Yet, my teacher salary does not allow me to spoil them as they should be. I fret about this gift for MONTHS in advance. I am not crafty and I have limited funds. You can see my dilemma. This year, I think I have finally hit the jackpot. I found a gift that I know will make my volunteers smile.
How cute are these vases? At least I see them as vases, but really there are many uses for them. I found them at The Dollar Store. Boom! Budget friendly. I had each child add their fingerprint. I brought the vases home and turned on some Real Housewives and got busy adding details to each fingerprint to resemble an ocean animal. Bravo binge + paint pen = adorable budget friendly, meaningful momentos to the wonderful parents that do so much for my classroom. I wrapped them with shrink wrap and bows from The Dollar Tree. I added a fish themed tag I found {here} for FREE.
End of the Year Parent Volunteer Gifts!
June 18, 2018
Hey! Hey! Hey!
