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Get the Egg!!

November 9, 2015

Get the Egg!!

November 9, 2015

I told you I would be back with an explanation for Easter Eggs in October.  I am happy to report that the kids and I thoroughly enjoyed this activity and I am sure your firsties will too.  I teach reading first thing in the morning so I had the all the eggs placed around the room prior to the students arriving.  Of course, the eggs were spotted right away and the kids were SUPER excited to find out what they would be used for.

We reviewed our anchor chart on sequencing and I told the students that they would be buddy reading, “Get the Egg!”  I told them to pay attention to the order of events as they read with their buddy.

Once they finished buddy reading the story I had the students gather at the carpet.  I explained that they would be working with their partner to find 4 eggs that had 4 different events from the story.  They could only have one partner hunting at a time and then they switched places.  It worked out great with 4 eggs to find.

Once they had their 4 eggs they had to put them in order.  I came around and checked the sequence.  If their sequence was correct they were able to move on the eggs and nest craftivity.  They needed to copy the sentences on the eggs and put them in the nest in order.  Next time I do this I would copy the eggs on blue so that they would match the eggs in the story! Duh!  My kiddos loved this and they turned out so cute.

Hey! Hey! Hey!

Hey! Hey! Hey!


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