I just love how this little leprechaun verb review turned out. I am all about St. Patrick’s day and was a wee bit anxious to do a leprechaun activity. Ha! So I kicked off our morning with a fun leprechaun story. I followed the story by having a student come up to the front of the room. I happened to have 1 boy wearing green so I chose him and introduced him as Leprechaun Larry. I pretended that something wasn’t quite right with Leprechaun Larry. I moved him this way and that. I finally made a grand Aha gesture and decided Leprechaun Larry was too tall and told him to get on his knees. The kids roared at this. Now, if I had my wits about me, I would have had a leprechaun hat to put on him as well. At this point we generated a list of verbs that Leprechaun Larry could do. They were all over this and came up with excellent verbs. I wrote them all down on our anchor chart. When we had a good list I sent the kids back to their seats armed with 5 flag post its. They chose 5 verbs from our Leprechaun Larry chart and wrote one on each post it flag. I then had them write 5 sentences, 1 for each verb. They placed the word on the post it directly into their sentence. I had them illustrate one sentence when they were done. I think my firsties did a great job!!