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New Year’s Resolutions and Google

January 4, 2017

New Year’s Resolutions and Google

January 4, 2017

My kids were able to complete their New Year’s resolution activity in Google Classroom today and they loved it.  We still have a lot to learn and baby steps are a must, but for 7 and 8 year olds they are ROCKIN’ this Google Classroom thing.  It is so amazing to see them just open it up and get to work.  Today I kept the slide show open on my desk and monitored all the projects at once.  I felt a bit like a mall cop watching surveillance monitors.  It was amazing.  I could see immediately if someone had forgotten a period, font was too big, word was misspelled or picture was not on the page and I was able to have the student fix it before they ever exited out or I could call a student over and we could work through a challenge together as they were experiencing it.  Not after they have turned it in and I have sent it back and they have totally forgotten what they were trying to do in the first place.

Hey! Hey! Hey!

Hey! Hey! Hey!


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