Star Wars Day in the Classroom!
Star Wars Day 2020 It’s almost here….STAR WARS DAY! If you teach first, second or third graders then this is the perfect opportunity to incorporate Star Wars activities into your students’ learning and make it a day that they will never forget.Star Wars Day in my classroom begins with Lightsaber Reading. The students enter a dimly lit classroom with the Star Wars theme playing in the background. Each student gets a sheet of the Star Wars Words Hidden Picture. They need to use their lightsabers (finger lights) to find the 10 Star Wars words that are hidden in the picture and record them on the recording sheet. They can color the sheet after they have found the words. This activity works great as an opening task. Star Wars Day + Lego One of my favorite parts of Star Wars day is the opportunity to incorporate SCIENCE!! My favorite activity is the Star Wars Ship Build. I put the students into groups of 3 or 4 and give them the parts from a Lego Star Wars Ship polybag. Depending on your group of kids you can decide to put the parts in a separate bin without the package or directions…