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May the Fourth Be With You

May 4, 2016

Star Wars Day is TOMORROW!  My kiddos and I are so excited.  We even get to have it as a school spirit day so we all get to dress up too!!  Woo-Hoo!  I was feeling especially optimistic a couple of weeks ago and decided to see if we could get some Star Wars characters to visit our school and they said YES!!!!!!!!!!  My kids are seriously OVER.THE.MOON!!  Our school only has 1 hour with Darth Vader and Princess Leia so they will be doing quick classroom pop ins.  We decided to have each class ask 1 question of Princess Leia and 1 for Darth Vader.  I asked my kiddos to write their question on a post it note and we would choose a question as a class.  I was not prepared for the awesomeness of their questions.  I mean, WOW, first graders have some real points they ponder.  I enjoyed them all and I thought you might too.  Hopefully you get a chuckle from these too! Questions for Darth Vader asked by First Graders1.  Where do you get your clothes?2.  When is the newest Star Wars movie coming out?3.  Where do you live?4.  Where do you get your light saber?5….

Shark Week Vocabulary Fun

May 1, 2016

We completed Shark Week last week. I have been dying to try Rooted in Reading and wasn’t sure how it would work with first graders and I do have a basal to work around.  Last week we had an “off week” meaning we didn’t have a story to teach and we were reviewing skills from the reading unit.  This was the perfect time to try Rooted in Reading.  I used the shark activities from the May unit.  My kiddos LOVED it!!They were really, really into learning the vocabulary.  I loved the flap book that was provided in the unit, but I decided to turn it into “Underwater Vocabulary”.  I made the name  up spur of the moment, so it needs a little work.  I decided to have the kids write the sentences for their vocabulary words with white crayon on white paper.  Which of course they thought I was crazy to suggest.  After they all had their sentences written out I had them go over the entire page with blue watercolor (like the ocean-get it?)  When they saw their sentences ‘pop’ out they thought I was MAGIC.   I swear I heard a round of applause, but that might have…

Lego Ziplines

April 24, 2016

The kids go bananas for Lego ziplines.  It has taken Mr. Husband and I quite a bit of tweeking to get a system that is “just right” for littles.  Our afterschool lego club is for first through third grade and we want our lego stations to be geared for littler hands and fine motor skills so that they can learn and feel confident trying their contraptions and making the necessary changes.   I am always amazed at what the kiddos design.  We start the session by handing out zipline handles for the mini figs.  These handles allow the kids to have just the mini fig go down the zipline.  It doesn’t take long for the kids to want to design mini fig carriers for the zip line and that is where the real fun begins.

American Girl Glam Party Success!

April 22, 2016

Today was the big day for Little Miss S’ American Girl Glam Party.   We held the party at the community center in a teeny tiny town, not far from our house.  We were lucky enough to be able to decorate the night before and boy am I glad we did.  It was nice to not feel rushed and take our time.  On the other hand, I could have stayed all night adding little details.  Thank goodness Mr. Husband would not let me obsess all night about the details.  Granted there was a lot of teasing about the polka dots not being straight, but hey, that’s what you get with free labor. As the girls entered the party we gave them a hairdresser apron.  I picked these up at Hobby Lobby and Little Miss helped design a logo for her salon.  We printed the logo onto each apron and the girls all had matching aprons.  We let the party guests take those home after the party.  I really wish I had gotten a group photo of all the girls, but that did not happen!  Ugh!  Kicking myself. The main focus of the party was the Doll Salon.  We put that…

Star Wars Day is Coming!

April 21, 2016

I’m so excited for Star Wars Day!!  For those of you that don’t know, May the 4th is Star Wars Day! I plan to do it up BIG this year.  Our spirit day coordinator even made the day a school spirit day.  Yay!  I can’t wait to see all those kiddos representing The Galaxy.  I’ve been busy making activities to celebrate the day in my classroom.  I made this ABC order activity and gave it a trial run with a few kiddos. 

American Girl Glam Party

April 11, 2016

I realize this is a blog to talk about teacher stuff but sometimes the teacher leaves the classroom.  I know, shocking.  When I leave my classroom I get to be mom and this mom is gearing up for Little Miss S’ 7th birthday party.  I really didn’t intend to make a million tutus for AG dolls over spring break, or create little salon shopping bags as party gifts, or create an AG Shirt Boutique!  This is what happens when your child’s birthday falls right after Spring Break and you’re a teacher.  Last year, SuperJump Zone– this year an AG Glam Party.  I am blogging about it because I want to document this event.  I know there will come a sassy day in the teenager years, when I hear how terrible I am as a mother.  I want this post to serve as a reminder that one day waaaaaayyy back in 2016- I didn’t suck!  So here’s to not sucking for Little Miss S’s Seventh Shindig.

Lego Boat Bonanza

April 6, 2016

One of the highlights of our after school Lego club is getting the boats and motors out.  The kids go bananas and rightly so.  Water + Motors = AWESOME!!! We demonstrate how the motors work and then turn the kiddo loose.  They experiment with boat shape, weight and motor position.  An hour isn’t long enough.  

Adjectives are Awesome

April 4, 2016

We made these little cuties as one of our adjective activities.  I had planned to do them prior to the Rainbow Namebows but things don’t always go according to plan.  I think it worked out better to do them after.   Kids always love post it notes.  They make everything exciting.  The kidlets drew a picture of themselves (which is always awesome) and wrote 5 adjectives on post it notes.  I let them put their project together on Astrobright and what a cute effect.

Rainbow Namebows

April 4, 2016

I saw this adorable project on IG and I new it would be perfect for my firsties.  We had been studying adjectives and I needed some stuffy puffy art to hang up after sending home our stuffy puffy shamrocks.  These were perfect and the kids enjoyed working with their parent coming up with adjectives.  We assembled them in class and I really don’t want to take them down EVER!  If you need to take your adjective study up a notch I highly recommend this activity you can get it here.

American Girl Birthday Invites

March 29, 2016

I’m straying from the topic of teaching first graders to the topic of partying with first graders.  The pressure is REAL.  Little Miss S wants an American Girl Glam party this year for the big #7.  I have finally finished up the invitations and I am in LOVE!  I saw the idea to make a small invitation for the guest’s doll as well and that just sent me over the edge of giddiness.  Since I was making the invitations I decided to just make a miniature version of the girl’s invitation so they are identical.  I used envelopes from gift tags and mini clothespins from the Target dollar spot and Voila!  So cute.

Hey! Hey! Hey!

Hey! Hey! Hey!


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