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Lego Race Cars

March 28, 2016

My afterschool lego club challenge this week was for the students to build a lego race car.  This is definitely one of the favorite challenges.  We got to try out the new 4 lane track and I would say it was a success.

Double Double Toil and Trouble

March 17, 2016

I finally found time to make these little cuties with my firsties.  We have been working so hard on learning our doubles facts that I wanted them to have a little extra fun by making this mathtivity.  Plus it provided another avenue to get those facts memorized.  I enjoyed listening to the ‘double conversations’ my kids were having as they worked on their doubles monster.  I must say they also make a darling display on our math bulletin board.  I found this activity {here}.


March 4, 2016

We had a blast making oobleck during our celebration for Dr. Seuss’ birthday.  I usually make oobleck with my second graders during our solids, liquids and gasses unit.  But… sometimes you have to mix it up and this was the perfect group of firsties to make oobleck with. They LOVED it!  Love may not be a strong enough word.  They thought I was a magician when I demonstrated the oobleck.  When I told them they would be making it– well… lets just say, the crowd went WILD!!  I then got out our “Super Awesome Science Goggles” and it was ON!  What a super fun day.

Leprechaun Verb Review

March 4, 2016

I just love how this little leprechaun verb review turned out.  I am all about St. Patrick’s day and was a wee bit anxious to do a leprechaun activity.  Ha!  So I kicked off our morning with a fun leprechaun story.  I followed the story by having a student come up to the front of the room.  I happened to have 1 boy wearing green so I chose him and introduced him as Leprechaun Larry.  I pretended that something wasn’t quite right with Leprechaun Larry.  I moved him this way and that.  I finally made a grand Aha gesture and decided Leprechaun Larry was too tall and told him to get on his knees.  The kids roared at this.  Now, if I had my wits about me, I would have had a leprechaun hat to put on him as well.   At this point we generated a list of verbs that Leprechaun Larry could do.  They were all over this and came up with excellent verbs.  I wrote them all down on our anchor chart.  When we had a good list I sent the kids back to their seats armed with 5 flag post its.  They chose 5 verbs from…

More Reading Street Decodable Readers

February 29, 2016

Thank you so much for all the positive comments.  I love hearing how you are using these in your classrooms.  I am currently working on Unit 4 and 5.  I will post them at my TpT shop as I finish them.  Please follow my TpT store so you are notified when I post the new decodables. My kiddos are loving these and I can’t believe how good they are getting at doing them independently.  I do still do decodable ‘a’ whole group, decodable ‘b’ with partners and decodable ‘c’ independently and I can use to asses.  You can grab this set for “Mama’s Birthday Present” {here}.

Big Dice!!

February 28, 2016

Is there anything better than huge dice?!  I have been on a dice quest lately.  Please tell me I’m not the only whack a doodle that obsesses over the perfect manipulative?  I recently added the smallest dice in the world to my math game rotation.  The kids went crazy!!  So, I decided the only thing better than the tiniest dice in the world would be the biggest dice in the world and voila a new quest was born.  It took me awhile and then I found them at Hobby Lobby of all places.  Yay!!  The kids had a blast.

March Writing

February 28, 2016

I just finished giving my March Writing Unit a facelift!!  I can’t wait to get started on these activities next week.  Can you believe we are already planning St. Patrick’s Day fun?  You find this packet {here}.  I will post some pictures of my kiddos in action once we get started. If you’re feeling lucky you can enter to win one of these units below!   You can get multiple entries by liking me on FB and following my TpT store.  Good Luck!! a Rafflecopter giveaway

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