Last week my firsties read and worked with the story, “A Pig in a Wig.” Our Big Question for the week was, “Who Helps Animals?” Firsties LOVE this topic and fancy themselves little animal experts. We had a ton of fun with our K-W-L as we revisited this question throughout the week. Somehow our K-W-L didn’t quite match up with what the teacher’s manual suggested, but that’s how we roll in Room 6. We also made the pig you can see in the corner (from the Glyph Girls) when we wrapped the story up. They were adorable! You may be asking yourself why I didn’t post that picture if they were so cute. Well…. I’ll be honest. I wasn’t deliberate enough in my teaching of tail placement. I’m sure you can imagine what that bulletin board would have looked like. Let’s just say, I sent those pigs home as soon as they were dry. Lesson LEARNED!