As I mentioned in earlier posts- May the Fourth was a celebration of EPIC proportions at my school. The whole school was in the Star Wars spirit and my little classroom was brimming with Star Wars learning. I remember LOVING Star Wars as a kid and playing a lot of Star Wars at recess. I wanted my firsties to experience the same magic for at least one day. I was hard pressed to find Star Wars learning activities and ones that actually were geared for the younger set. So… I decided to make my own and that task remained on my to do list FOR WEEKS. Then…. the magic happened during a trip to Target. Honestly, isn’t that where all the teacher magic happens? I spotted… wait for it… STAR WARS CEREAL!!!!!!! Are you kidding me? I had no idea it even existed. I immediately thought of all the Lucky Charms sorting and Valentine heart sorting activities I have done through the years and I just knew that my kiddos needed to sort Star Wars themed marshmallows. I came home and made sorting mats for “gathering data” and recording sheets that allowed them to analyze their data–very official, we are. The kids absolutely had a blast.
Star Wars Math
May 18, 2016
Hey! Hey! Hey!
