I’m sure you’ve been on the edge of your seat waiting to see another activity from Star Wars Day. Well, I will not disappoint (if the bar has not been set too high). Ha Ha. Please keep in mind this was an entire day of Star Wars related activities. If you are interested in implementing The Force into your classroom you may want to check out my previous posts. This post is on the science activity that we did. I searched high and low for Star Wars science. There were lots of fun ones on TpT, but for some reason I kept going back to one I had seen years before when creating a Star Wars birthday party for my son. I really loved it and decided to implement it in a classroom setting and it went marvelously. Except for one thing………. the kids had no reference to Han Solo being frozen in carbonite. Excuse me-what the what?? I assumed (yes, I know) that the kiddos had a least a vague recollection of that epic scene. Uh-NO! It is all about The Force Awakens now and I had to do a little back peddling. Thank goodness I found a snippet of the scene recreated with Star Wars legos and we watched that. Once my students had a frame of reference we were ready to begin. How would we get Han Solo out of the carbonite? The kids had lots of great ideas and we jotted them all down. Then… I gave everyone their own Han in carbonite. They could not believe what was happening. I just love this age, everything is so amazing!! I think they actually cheered. Hilarious. They took this task super duper seriously. Han needed to be freed immediately and this was just the crew to do it. Each table got a cup of vinegar and they began dripping the vinegar onto the frozen Han. We used the neon straws as droppers and again the crowd went wild. I really had no idea that neon straws would evoke this kind of excitement. When Han started to bubble it was complete CRAZY town (in a good way). This was definitely a hit and an activity I will definitely do again. You can check out the whole post from the originator {here}.
Star Wars Science
May 19, 2016
Hey! Hey! Hey!
